Kansas City Hmong Connection


Hmong is a tonal language. It consists of seven tones. There are several dialects but the most popular dialects in use by Hmong in the United States is Green Hmong and White Hmong. The written language used by most Hmong people was created by a group of missionaries and Hmong leaders in Laos in the 1950s. The Hmong language uses the romanized alphabet but each letter makes a completely different sound in the Hmong language.

Common Phrases Green Hmong White Hmong Pronunciation (Green)
Hello Nyob zoo Nyob zoo NYAW-Zhong
Thank you Ua tsaug Ua tsaug Ohh-CHOW
You're welcome Tsi ua le caag Tsis ua li cas GEE-ohh-Lay-Jyong
How are you? Koj puas nyob zoo? Koj puas nyob zoo? Caw-Boa-NYAW-Zhong
My name is... Kuv lub npe yog... Kuv lub npe yog... Koo-Loo-Bey-Yawh
Goodbye Sis ntsib dlua Sis ntsib dua SHE-GEE-Gloh